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Sisustuskoda OÜ is a known and aknowledged furniture manufacturer from the southern part of Estonia.

Logo - PIKK PINK OÜ furniture renovation, bespoke furniture
Luise 36/Koidu 46 (II korrus), 10412 Tallinn, Harjumaa

Furniture restoration, renovation and repair. Bespoke furniture beds, sofas edc.

Logo - TransIterior - Custom Handicrafted Interiors
Tehnika 22, 90401 Uuemõisa alevik, Haapsalu

We offer car upholstery (dashboards, seats etc.); furniture solutions ( boats, homes, hotels, restaurants) and all sorts of customized works.

Logo - uBent - bent wood products
Madara 22, 10613 Tallinn, harjumaa

Steam bent solid wood products. Made by Viljo Naarits.

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Contact (sisekujundus – sisustus - ehitus - aed) - E-post: info @
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