Interior design, furniture, construction, garden - news and contacts!


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Logo - Floorin Interior | Finishing Materials Showroom
Pärnu mnt. 139e/3, 11317 Tallinn, Harjumaa

Floor coverings, ceramic panels and decorative paints

Interior decoration materials, ceramic panels, parquet, floor coverings, suspended ceilings.

Interior decoration and building materials

Roofing, cladding boards, facade tiles, terrace boards

Logo - LADU6.EE sauna doors and windows, natural stones
Vana Tartu mnt 18, 75304 Järveküla

Ceramic tiles, garden table, picnic table, wooden doors, sauna doors, exterior doors

Logo - LOSSIKIVI OÜ natural stones
Laane 4, 75501 Saku, Harjumaa

Building of natural stone facades, natural stone installing, natural stone floors, natural stone walls.

Logo - MENDALI OÜ natural stones
Vana-Narva mnt 1a, 74114 Maardu, Harjumaa

Natural stones

Logo puudub - PLAADIPUNKT AS Tallinna mööblisalong
Pärnu mnt 186, Väike-Järve Ärimaja, 11314 Tallinn, Harjumaa

Logo puudub - Hansas Plaadimaailm
Peterburi tee 81, 13816 Tallinn, Harjumaa

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