CULTI Milano ruumiaroomid sobivad just tänasesse päeva

Lõhnad aitavad meil meeli rahustada ja kaunimaid mälestusi meeles pidada. Aeg & Ruum Sisustus valikust leiab kvaliteetsed CULTI Milano ruumiaroomid, mis sobivad just tänasesse päeva - kevadiselt värsked, kerged, eksklusiivsed.
Lihtne viis koduse olustiku muutmiseks personaalselt meeldejäävaks!
Culti Milano is the creation that was within the eclectic thoughts of Alessandro Agrati, when in 1988 he started a personal crusade with the evolution of revolutionizing the way of enjoying spaces and objects, thus obtaining a nexus never before experienced among the world of art. design and that of the senses. Therefore the name CULTI; a concept that combines culture and style, using inimitable raw materials and that have been meticulously studied so that each fragrance is unique and timeless, but combining in an extraordinary way with the rest of the aromas that make up the offer of this Italian brand, whose mission is the creation of spaces for the person, where the objects and the senses meet.